The House That Worked Out
hand-building an eco-home without buckets of money, skills, or a clue
The story of how our family escaped the city and made a life in the country in the face of the impending zombie apocalypse.
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The Sauna
You have seen the true wonder which is our glorious Woodfired Hot Tub (and if you haven’t, click the link!). Now, we are excited to report that we have added a homemade woodfired sauna to the utopia which is the House that Worked Out. Does it work? YES! Is... read more
Hot Tub, Anyone?
If you have been following us on Facebook, you know by now that we now have a FULLY FUNCTIONING AMAZING WOOD-FIRED HOT TUB!!!!! Which deserves a totally candid, unstaged, casual shot of me just casually perched on the edge of our hot tub being totally casual. This is... read more
Hot Tub Fail # 1
It is the school holidays, and right on schedule, we completed our woodfired hot tub and excitedly put it to the test. We filled a 1000litre tank with frigid cold creekwater, pumped this creek water into the tub, lit a fire in our DIY barrel stove, and waited.... read more
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